Until a short time ago my genealogy Glas went no further back than Derk Reinders who married 1725 in Schildwolde with Frouwke Jans.
Thanks to Gert Schansker it now goes back much further. He showed me an article of P.J.C. Elema in Gens Nostra 1993, p. 437 e.v.: Genealogie (Homan) van der Heide, glazenmakers in Emden and Termunten. In this article Derck Reinders is only mentioned with his second wife Aaltje Jans. His descendants are not mentioned there, because he is the only one whose descendants did not use the familyname van der Heide.
In my genealogy Glas I won’t mention all details of the ancestors of Derk Reinders. For those details you should read that article.
Furthermore I want to thank A. E. Glas, L. Rijlaarsdam-Clement, D. Alverson, L. Anderson and A. Moon for their information.
At the moment some parts of the text are not yet translated.
Note I used the European date notation. Which means day-month-year.
h.c. means marriage contract
bapt. means baptized
I.1 Reinko (Rintko/Reiner) Heddes, from Eijlsum, glazier in Emden, married (civil/ church) 15-2-1634/ 9-4-1634 in Emden with Anna (Anneke) Andreesen.
Children of this marriage:
1. Tiaeke Reiners, married (civil/church) 19-1/5-3-1656 in Emden with Herman Teijssen, glazier.
2. Hedde Reiners, follows II.1
3. Andries Reiners, bapt. 14-3-1644 in Emden.
4. Andries Reiners, bapt. 14-3-1648 in Emden, married (civil/church) 11-7/12-10-1671 in Emden with Geeske Lubberts, daughter of Lubbert Hobbes.
Possibly there might be a family relation with Andrias ter Heide, from Graafschap Lippe, married (1) 24-3-1682 in Noordbroek with Anneke Wempen, widow of Jan Clasen, from Graafschap Cloppenburg, married (2) as Andries van der Heijde, from Noordbroek, 5-2-1699 in Noordbroek with Geeske Jurjens, widow of Lambert Steijl. I don’t have any proof for this though so it might be just coincidence.
II.1 Hedde Reiners, son of I.1, born about 1635-1640 in Emden, married (civil/church) 7-4-1666/ 30-5-1666 in Emden with Elschke Buiters (Buters), daughter of Gysbert Buiters and Elscke van der Stegen. She married (1) (civil/church) 23-8-1656/ 7-10-1656 in Emden with Goosen Jansen, from Rossum.
Children of this marriage:
1. Reinder Heddes, bapt. 10-1-1667 in Emden, follows III.1
2. Jan Heddes, bapt. 21-10-1668 in Emden.
3. Neeltie Heddes, bapt. 1-5-1670 in Emden.
III.1 Reinder Heddes, son of II.1, baptized 10-1-1667 in Emden, presumably died 26-4-1731 in Termunten, glazier “op de Holm”, married (1) 20-3-1692 in Termunten with Martien Uffes (Offes), widow of Siwert Reinders and Antonius Jacobs Munninckshof, died 12-10-1697 in Termunten, married (2) in Oostfriesland in 1698 with Emme Dercks, daughter of Derck (Jans?) and Foelke? Uffes.
Farmsum, September 15, 1715: Roebert Wetter sells to Reinder Heddes and Emme Dercks his house in Termunten on “Amptman” Mensinghs land for 790 guilders.
Children of the first marriage:
1. Hedde Reinders, bapt. 22-4-1694 in Termunten (twins), died between 1737 and 1742 op de Holm in Termunten, married 29-3-1723 in Termunten with Fenne Wyrts, bapt. 27-2-1707 in Termunten, died after april 1791, daughter of Wiert Eppes and Aagtje Jans. She married (2) 21-1-1742 in Termunten with Hans Jans.
2. Sijwert Reinders, bapt. 22-4-1694 in Termunten (twins), died 20-5-1694 in Termunten.
Children of the second marriage:
3. Elske Reinders, bapt. 26-2-1699 in Termunten. Jong died.
4. Derck Reinders, bapt. 21-5-1701 in Termunten, follows IV.1
5. Reijnder Reinders, bapt. 15-7-1703 in Termunten.
6. Foelke Reinders, born about 1705, died after June 1772, married (1) with Lubbartus Popkes, married (2) (publication of the banns 23-4-1757 in Nieuwolda) (h.c. Termunten 21-4-1757) with Heere Klaasen, from Vriescheloo, married (3) 12-11-1768 in Termunten with Meindert Jans.
7. Jan Reinders (van der Heide), bapt. 1-4-1708 in Termunten, died 28-2-1783 in Termunten, glazier and housepainter at that place, married (1) 2-1-1735 in Termunten with Froucke Geertruid Molters, from Backemoor in Oostfriesland, died before October 1771, daughter of Johann Gustav Molter and Agneta Bollinghausen, married (2) 13-10-1771 in Termunten with Hilligien Leenderts.
8. Elsjen Reinders, bapt. 6-2-1711 in Termunten.
9. Jacob Reinders, bapt. 8-4-1714 in Termunten, died between February 1770 and about the middle of 1772, master-glazier in Scheemda, married 15-5-1740 in Scheemda with Diever Geerts, born 19 and bapt. 24-12-1713 in Eexta, died 8-4-1773 in Scheemda, daughter of Geert Derks and Jesel Nannens.
10. Neeltjen Reinders, bapt. 1-11-1716 in Termunten.
IV.1 Derck Reinders, son of III.1, baptized 21-5-1701 in Termunten (before his first marriage he came from Schildwolde, before his second marriage he came from Termunten!), died after 23-4-1782, glazier in Schildwolde, married (1) 28-10-1725 in Schildwolde with Frouwke Jans, baptized 23-10-1707 in Schildwolde, died between 16-8-1739 and 31-1-1751, daughter of Jan Pieters and Annigjen Edzes, married (2) 31-1-1751 in Schildwolde with Aeltijn (Aaltjen) Jans, widow of Geert Hommes.
There is the following evidence that Derck Reinders is a son of Reinder Heddes. First he named his children after his parents and second he appears with his second wife on the marriagescontract of his sister Foelke Reinders on 21-4-1757 in Termunten.
Derk Reinders appears several times in the Statebook 1760-1780 from the church in Hellum (inv.nr.8). This book contains information about incomings and outgoings of this church in thee period 1760 to about 1780.
The glazier
Derk Reinders is mentioned severarl timers by the expenditures
wordt between 1760 and 1774 (the amounts in that time were
mentioned in guilders - “stuivers” -
“plakken”, where 8 plakken go in a stuiver, and 20
stuivers in a guilder):
1760: to Derk Reinderts glasemaker (=glazier) for a panglas in the vicarage ƒ 0-11-0
to the same one for “ruiden stoppen” (= repairing glasses) in the vicarage ƒ 0-03-0
1761: to Derk Reinders glasemaker for ruiden stoppen ƒ 0-05-0
to Derk Reijnders glasemaker paid for putting new glasses in the sextons house and schools ƒ 0-15-0
1762: to Derk Reijnders paid according receipt N. 27 ƒ 1-06-0
to Derk Reijnders paid according receipt N. 30 ƒ 1-07-0
In 1766 another glazier was paid: mester Geert Glasemaker: ƒ 0-6-0.
1768: to Derk Reijnders glasemaker paid according receipt N. 22 ƒ 4-11-0
to Derk Reinderts paid according receipt N. 41 ƒ 1-12-0
1772: to Derk Reinderts for glasemaken in the church and school paid N. 33 ƒ 3-17-0
to Derk Reinderts glasemaker ƒ 4-13-0
1773: Derk Reinders glazemaker ƒ 0-08-0
1774: Derk Reinders glazemaker ƒ 0-10-0
From 1778 on another glazier and housepainter was paid: Jan Hansen.
He also appears in the Statebook of the church in Schildwolde (box 5) by the expenditures. In that book it is alas never mentioned for what he is paid. He never appears in this book with the familyname Glas, but his son does appear there sice the end of 1765 as Jan Derks Glas.
31-5-1759: To Derk Reinders paid ƒ 54-8-4, his wages according receipt.
9-10-1761: To Derk Reinders ƒ 4-3-0 according receipt.
11-1-1765: To Derk Reinders ƒ 35-19-0 according receipt.
19-5-1773: To Derk Reinders ƒ 38-5-0 according receipt.
24-6-1775: To Derk Reinders ƒ 29-12-0 according receipt.
27-2-1776: To Derk Reinders ƒ 7-4-0 according receipt.
1779, No. 10: To Derk Reinders paid according receipt. ƒ 11-19-0.
On November 5, 1779 Derk Reinders and Aaltjen Jans sell to Sjabbo W. Bronnes and Jeltje Lauwes first 5 deimatten hayland near Schildwolde. Second their house and land in the place of buyers in Schildwolde with a rent of ƒ 8 a year. Sold for ƒ 175.
Wagenborgen 23 April 1782: Jan Derks Glas, from Schildwolde, on behalf of his father Derk Reinders and stepmother, Aaltjen Jans, from Schildwolde, loans to Jan Eltjes Vos and Vrouke Jans ehel. from Wagenborgen, 225 gld. against 4% interst. Witnesses: Pieter Roelfs and Albert Heres, both from Veendam.
This is the last time we hear of Derk Reinders while he is alive! Presumably he died shortly thereafter. This means he must at least have been 80 years when he died. A very considerable age for that time.
Children of the first marriage:
1. Reinder Derks, bapt. 7-9-1727 in Schildwolde, died before 28-2-1731.
2. Jan Derks Glas, bapt. 23-1-1729 in Schildwolde, follows V.1
3. Reinder Derks Glas, bapt. 28-2-1731 in Schildwolde, follows V.2
4. Annechien Derks Glas, bapt. 1-1-1733 in Schildwolde, follows V.3
5. Emmina Derks, bapt. 12-12-1734 in Schildwolde, presumably died at a young age.
6. Jacob Derks Glas, bapt. 16-8-1739 in Schildwolde, follows V.4
V.1 Jan Derks Glas (son of IV.1), baptized 23-1-1729 in Schildwolde, died 26-8-1797 in Schildwolde, inn-keeper, married June 1753 in Schildwolde with Anje (Antje) Daniels, died after 9-5-1798, presumably baptized 11-1-1733 in Schildwolde as daughter of Lambert Daniels and Geertruit Jans.
Met innerlyke smerte betreur ik, en myn Dochter, ’t overlyden van myn geliefde Man, Jan Derks Glas, oud ruim 68 Jaren, aan een pynlyke uitterende ziekte, geve hier van aan Vrienden en goede Bekenden door dezen kennis.
Schildwolda, den 26 Augustus 1797
Anje Daniels, Wedw. J. D. Glas
After Jan Derks Glas died he had an obituary notice in a local newspaper as shown on the right. He was one of the first persons in this area to have such a annoucement in the paper.
Jan Derks Glas was as far as I know now the first one to use the familyname Glas: in the Statebook of the church in Schildwolde he appears in the expenditures.
He presumably also appears in the earnings: 27-12-1757 Jan Glas paid the church money for the usage of 3 deimt hooiland ƒ 1-10-0. That would be then the first usage of the familyname Glas. He surely is the one who’s mentioned on 24-12-1765 as Jan Derks Glas. The church of Schildwolde made the following payments to him; it is not mentioned for what those payments were:
31-5-1759 To Jan Derks paid ƒ 4, his wages.
24-12-1765 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 9-14-0 according receipt.
13-12-1766 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 11-17-0 according receipt.
15-1-1768 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 6-17-4 according receipt.
17-12-1768 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 6-11-4 according receipt.
12-1-1770 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 5-18-0 according receipt.
25-7-1773, No.6 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 1-6-0 according receipt.
1777, No. 17 To Jan Derks Glas ƒ 12-2-0 according receipt.
1779, No. 13 To Jan Derks Glas according receipt ƒ 6-10-0.
1782, No. 11 To Jan Derks Glas according receipt ƒ 3-12-0.
1783, No. 9 To Jan Derks Glas according receipt ƒ 2-4-4.
1796, No. 2 To Jan Derks Glas, on the 25 August. according receipt ƒ 15-12-0.
On May 3, 1765 he also appears as Jan Derk Glas:
Slochteren, May 3, 1765: Rekenmr (financial wizard?) L. Wijchel and his wife H. Geertsema sell to Jan Derks Glas and Anje Daniels first a house in Schildwolde doing ƒ 2 rent to the church of Schildwolde. Second a yard in Schildwolde going to do ƒ 8 rent to sellers. Sold for ƒ 685-17.
Later on June 16, 1770 they buy another house with garden in Schildwolde from Heijte Berents for ƒ 305. The rent is ƒ 5 per year to the church of Schildwolde.
On January 22, 1773 they sold another house to Jan Jans and his wife Grietje Pieters for ƒ 300.
Wagenborgen May 14, 1782: Wijbe Garrebrants and his wife Abeltje Alberts in Oostwold, borrow from Jan Derk Glas, and his wife Anje Daniels, from Schildwolde, ƒ 1100 (4% interest).
He also appears on the marriage contract. in Siddeburen 1-6-1781 of Jacob Doornbos and Geertjen Amels as “vreemde voogd” one of the guardians of Jacob Doornbos’s children, and calls himself then Jan Derks Glas (RA Fivelingo, inv. nr. 722). On 18-12-1795 Jan Derks Glas from Schildwolda as “vreemde voogd” together with the other guardians rendered an account about their adminstration of the children of Jacob Dorenbos and the late Aaltje Epkes. On 13-3-1800 they did this again, but Jan Derks Glas, vreemde voogd has died (RA Fivelingo, inv. nr. 719).
On 9-3-1785 Jan Derks Glas and Anje Daniels bought from Monsr. M. Kim representing J. Woltman and Harm Remmers representing the heirs of Jacob Hillebrands and Trijnje Pieters, their house and garden in Hellum (this is a mistake: it should be Schildwolde), used by Having Luitjens. The price was 120 guilders.
On 2-7-1796 J. G. from Wijchel living in Schildwolde and his wife sold to Jan Derks Glas and Einje Daniels living in Schildwolde: an amount of about 5 “deimten” (a deimt is about half a hectare) land for 250 guilders.
The following part of the text has not yet been translated:
De volgende vermeldingen komen uit RA Fivelingo, inv.nr. 478 (gerecht Hellum-Schildwolde: minuten from akten 1791-1802): Op 15-6-1792 lenen Jan Harms and zijn vrouw Engel Jans from Jan Derks Glas and Anje Daniels ƒ250, waarfrom ƒ100 before een verzegeling ter harer laste aan de weman? Albert Geerts in qlte betaald and door dezelve gequiteert, and de overige ƒ150 in contante penningen aan haar selfs, jaarlijks before 4 % rente. Daarna werd op 1-5-1794 door Jan Derks Glas and Einje Daniels ƒ1000 tegen 4 % rente geleend aan Jan Dorenbos and diens vrouw Martje Pieters. Ook komt Jan Derks Glas twee maal as dedigsman (getuige die meestal niet verwant is) before op een marriagescontract: 11-11-1796 in Schildwolde h.c. between de jm Pieter Hindriks and Martjen Wessels, wedw. wijlen Klaas Hindriks (geen ‘zijden’ vermeld) and 18-2-1797 in Schildwolde h.c. between Harm Jans, widower of Swaantje Ottes and de jd Harmke Jans as dedigsman aan bruidszijde. After the overlijden from haar man verkoopt Ainje Daniels, Wedw. from Jan Derks Glas op 30-4-1798 in Schildwolde twee stukken land. Ten eerste aan Doctor A. Hartsing and vrouw Aaltje Jacobs Bontdrager ehl.: De vaste beklemming from plus minus 5 deimten hooiland gelegen onder Schildwolda, de Weeren genaamt. Doende jaarlijks tot vaste huur ƒ 3. Zwettende ten N: ‘t Schiltmaar. ten O: de Meenteweg, ten Z: de costerie, ten W: Abel Ailkes. Before de somma ƒ 536 in betalen in 3 termijnen: de helft ƒ 268 op maij 1798 (is ontfangen), de 2e termijn een kwart op maij 1799 and de 3e termijn ook een kwart op november 1799. And ten tweede aan aan Harm Jans and Harmke Jans ehl.: De vaste beklemming from plus minus 5 deimten land gelegen op the Meenteschaar tot Schildwolda. Doende jaarlijks tot vaste huur ƒ 12. Zwettende ten N: Abel Ailkes, ten O: de Heer Wijchgel, ten Z: de church from Schildwolda, ten W: Klaas Ebes. Verkogt before de somma ƒ 230 in betalen in 3 termijnen: de helft ƒ 115 op maij 1798 (is ontfangen), de 2e termijn een kwart op maij 1799 and de 3e termijn ook een kwart op november 1799. Vervolgens verkoopt haar schoonzoon namens haar haar house op 2-5-1798 in Slochteren: Jan Eltjes Vos in qualiteit as gevolmachtigde from sijn schoonmoeder Ainje Daniels, Wedw. Jan Derks Glas kracht procuratie in dato 2-5-1798, bekende verkogt in hebben aan de aud wedman Albert Geerts and Eppo H. Bronds and vrouw Geessien Alberts: Ten eerste des verkopers in qlte behuizinge and the schopje daarbij staande with alles daaraan aart, paal and nagelvast word bevonden, as mede de vaste beklemminge from the heemstede waar de behuisinge op staat and daarbij behorende tuin and appelhof, doende op Martini tot een vaste jaarlijkse huire de somma from 9 guldens. Ten tweede de vaste beklemminge from een kampje land plus minus vijfvierendeel deimt, doende jaarlijks op Martini tot vaste huur 10 guldens. Dog from welk kampje een gedeelte is verhuirt an Tomas Jonas sjaar before 3 guldens die daar nog 2 year in kan continueren, mids de huire kome ten voordele from de kopers. Alles staande and gelegen in Schildwolde. Swettende de behuisinge and heemstede and tuin ten N: de Hereweg, ten O: Abel Ailkes, ten Z: the hierin gemelde kampje land, ten W: de laan. Swettende the kampje land ten N: bovengemelde tuin, ten O: Abel Ailkes, ten Z: E. H. Bronds meijerwijse, ten W: de church from Schildwolda and Tomas Jonas meijerwijse. The kampje land doet een vierel akker landslasten. Alles in dier voegen as door verkoper in qlte is bewoond and beseten and according to aankomst brieven welke bij desen an kopers zullen worden overgegeven. Samen verkogt before een somma from 1404 guldens and 16 stuiver, in betalen in 3 termijnen: de eerste termijn de geregte halfscheid ƒ 702-8-0 op 1-5-1798 welke is ontfangen, de tweede termijn op 1-5-1799 ƒ 351-4-0 and de derde termijn op 1-11-1799 ook ƒ 351-4-0. Zolang niet alles betaald is blijft the eigendom from de verkopers.
Wagenborgen, 9 mei 1798: Sijmen Jannes, from Nieuwenklooster onder Jukwerd, mede namens zijn vrouw Albertje Jannes, lenen from Anje Daniels, widow of Jan Derks Glas, from Wagenborgen, 750 gld. tegen 4% rente. Borgen: Jannes Hiltjes and Weia Simons (ehel.), from de Dellen onder Wagenborgen. Witnesses: Albert Bartels and Simen Willems.
Jan Derks Glas is also mentioned in the article Een Oranjeklant verwekt opschudding in Schildwolde. - Genealogie Kuiman / Kuman, by H. H. Jansonius and P. Bos, Gruoninga 1996/1997, p. 117-139, see for Jan Derks Glas: p. 120 and 128-129. A Dutch orangist Jacob Kuman hits in Schildwolde Dr. Harsing, who fled to the house of Jan Glas. At the examination of the witnesses Jan Derks Glas, innkeeper in Schildwolde states that after Dr. Harsing was hit (which he didn’t see happen), he came into his house with a blood-covered head.
Jan Derks Glas (according to ‘Een Terugblik op 10 Eeuwen Schildwolde’) or Jacob Derks Glas (according to ‘Geschiedenis from Slochteren’) was flagbearer for the Dutch orangist civil guards in Schildwolde in 1787. Most likely it is Jan because he lived in Schildwolde, while Jacob lived in Noordbroek.
Child of the marriage:
1. Frouke Jans Glas, bapt. 22-6-1753 in Schildwolde (as Vrouwke), follows VI.1
Reinder Jans and Jantje Jans, appear as cousins in 1805 on the marriagescontracts of two children of Reinder Derks Glas.
V.2 Reinder Derks Glas, son of IV.1, bapt. 28-2-1731 in Schildwolde, died 4-4-1806 in Noordbroek (leaving behind 7 children of 1 marriage, 75 years, “in de zesde gilde”), married 24-5-1761 in Schildwolde (h.c. Noordbroek 21-5-1761) with Aaltje Jans, born about 1737 in Korengarst (her parents were mennonites, so she was not baptized directly after her birth), died 14-7-1814 in house nr. 181 in Noordbroek, daughter of Jan Harms and Trijntje Sebes.
h.c. Noordbroek 21-5-1761 between Reijnder Derks and Aaltjen Jans:
Witnesses on the side of the bridegroom: Derk Reijnders and Aaltjen Jans as father and stepmother, Jan Derks and Anje Daniels as brother and sister-in-law, Jacob Derks as brother. On the side of the bride: Jacob Harms and Trijntje Sebes as stiefvader and mother, Sebo Jans as brother, Diever Jans as sister, Grietje Jans as sister.
On June 14,1777 Reinder Derks and Aaltjen Jans in Noordbroeksterhamrik borrow from his brother Jan Derks Glas and Anje Daniëls te Schildwolde ƒ 750.
Aaltje Jans was a mennonite and Reinder presumably became one after his marriage because I couldn’t find the baptisms of his children.
Children of this marriage:
1. Jan Reinders Glas, born about augustus 1763 in Noordbroek, follows VI.2
2. Derk Reinders Glas, born 8-12-1765 in Noordbroek?, follows VI.3
3. Jacob Reinders Glas, born 13-12-1767 in Noordbroek?, follows VI.4
4. Sebo Reinders Glas, ovl. na 1-6-1792.
5. Trijntje Reinders Glas, follows VI.5
6. Diewer Reinders Glas, died after 4-4-1806.
7. Frouke Reinders Glas, born about 1775 in Noordbroek, follows VI.6
8. Hindrik Reinders Glas, born 4-3-1778 in Noordbroek, follows VI.7
V.3 Annechien Derks Glas, daughter of IV.1, bapt. 1-1-1733 in Schildwolde, died 6-6-1816 in Groningen (81 year, parents not mentioned), limeseller in Groningen in the Loppersummergang, house nr. O 149, married 23-6-1775 in Groningen (N.K.) (publication of the banns ald. 29-4-1775) with Jan (also: Johannes) Reiners Birza (Birsa), bapt. 22-10-1741 in Groningen (as Johannes?), died 10-2-1814 in Groningen, son of Derk Reinder Birza and Pietertje from Helderen.
They got no children. The information about the family Birza come from the book The geslacht Birza, stamreeks from 1589 tot 1946, by K. from Baaren, 1947, p. 15.
V.4 Jacob Derks Glas, son of IV.1, bapt. 16-8-1739 in Schildwolde, died 14-6-1823 in Alkemade, labourer in Oldewetering, Z.H. (1814), married 22-5-1768 in Noordbroek with Arentje Reinders, bapt. 4-3-1744 in Noordbroek, died 12-8-1803 in Noordbroek and ald. begr. 19-8-1803, daughter of Reijnder Boeles en Remke Luppes.
Jacob lived in Korengarst when he married. In 1814 he lived in Oldewetering in the province Zuid-Holland. He didn’t attend the marriage of his daughter because of the distance. Therefore he made on 18-2-1814 before public notary Pieter from Veen, in Oldewetering an act of consent, which stated that he agreed with his daughters marriage. Daughter Frouke lived in 1802 in Olde Wetering where she married at that time. I don’t know whether her father also lived there at that moment, but his wife died in 1803 in Noordbroek. I wonder what the reason was for the move to Zuid-Holland in a time when travelling such distances was not very common.
1. Frauke Jacobs (Glas), born sunday 18-2-1770 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 25-2-1770, died 19-11-1832 in Alkemade, married 2-5-1802 in Olde Wetering with Willem Lelieveld, carpenter, son of Huig Lelieveld and Baligje from Vianen.
1. Huig Lelieveld, born 7-3-1804 in Alkemade and ald. bapt. 11-3-1804.
2. Jacob Lelieveld, born 17-8-1806 in Alkemade and ald. bapt. 24-8-1806.
3. Baaligje Lelieveld, born 20-2-1809 in Alkemade and ald. bapt. 26-2-1809
4. Jacob Lelieveld, born 30-10-1811 in Alkemade and ald. bapt. 3-11-1811. Hij was carpenter.
5. Willem Lelieveld, born 24-10-1814 in Alkemade. Hij was carpenter.
2. Reinder Jacobs Glas, born thursday 7-10-1773 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 24-10-1773, follows VI.8
3. Derk Jacobs Glas, born saturday 15-3-1777 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 20-3-1777, follows VI.9
4. Remke Jacobs Glas, born thursday 9-3-1780 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 16-3-1780, follows VI.10
5. Jan Jacobs (Glas), born thursday 17-4-1783 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 27-4-1783. Presumably he died at a young age?
6. Annechien Jacobs Glas, born saturday 26-11-1785 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 4-12-1785, follows VI.11
VI.1 Frouke Jans Glas, daughter of V.1, baptized 22-6-1753 in Schildwolde (as Vrouwke), died 28-4-1804 in Wagenborgen (according to the Ommelander Courant), married 10-11-1776 in Wagenborgen with Jan Eltjes Vos, baptized 24-1-1750 in Wagenborgen, died 20-7-1825 in Termunten, bailiff in Wagenborgen, later innkeeper in Termunten, son of Eltje Pieters Vos and Aaltje Jans. Jan Eltjes Vos married again 15-3-1810 in Wagenborgen (h.c. Wagenborgen 15-3-1810) with Margaretha Jannes Haikens.
When Frouke was baptized her parents had just published the three banns but were not yet married.
Most informtion about them comes from ‘In oirconde de waerheyt, deel 1, band 3, Groningse families Vos in de 17e and 18e eeuw’, by R. Vos, Golda/Norg, 1994, p. 267 and 311.
1. Eltjo Jans Vos, bapt. 2-12-1776 in Wagenborgen, died 14-11-1808 in Wagenborgen.
2. Jan Jans Vos, bapt. 18-10-1778 in Wagenborgen, died 29-2-1828 in Termunten, deurwaarder in Wagenborgen, married (1) 26-11-1801 in Wagenborgen with Grietje Claassens Lewe, bapt. 27-3-1785 in Wagenborgen, died between 15-3-1810 and 26-6-1819, daughter of Claas Jacobs Lewe and Wieke (Wijpke) Berends, married (2) 26-6-1819 in Termunten with Martje Fokkes van Delden.
Children of the first marriage:
1. Wieke Jans Vos, bapt. 15-2-1802 in Wagenborgen, died before 3-4-1803.
2. Wieke Jans Vos, bapt. 3-4-1803 in Wagenborgen, died before 17-5-1807.
3. Wieke Jans Vos, bapt. 17-5-1807 in Wagenborgen, married 27-8-1831 in Ten Boer with Roelf Derks Helder.
3. Derk Jans Vos, bapt. 25-12-1783 in Farmsum, baker in Termunten, married (1) 3-8-1810 in Loppersum with Martje Koerts Heikema, married (2) 23-5-1812 in Termunten with Martje Wiepkes, born 15-3-1789 in Wagenborgen, daughter of Wiepke Berends and Yktje, married (3) 21-1-1829 in Termunten with Cornelske Claassens Bolt.
4. Pieter Jans Vos, bapt. 7-3-1786 in Wagenborgen, died before 1-5-1787.
5. Pieter Jans Vos, born 1-5-1787 in Wagenborgen, married 22-3-1822 in Delfzijl with Marijke Derks Knol, daughter of Eppe Claassens Knol and Anje Symens Weert.
6. Anje Jans Vos, bapt. 11-1-1789 in Wagenborgen, died 6-11-1838 in Termunten, married 22-12-1808 (h.c. Wagenborgen 22-12-1808) with Waldrik (Udes) Udema, from Wagenborgen, probably son of Ude Wijpkes and Martje Hindriks.
7. Aaltje Jans Vos, bapt. 3-7-1792 in Wagenborgen, died 16-11-1832 in Delfzijl. Unmarried.
VI.2 Jan Reinders Glas, son of V.2, born about August 1763 in Noordbroek, died 5-7-1831 in house nr. G 13 in Tripscompagnie (67 year and 11 months), lfarmer in Sappemeer (1821) and labourer in Tripscompagnie (1821-1831), married (publication of the banns 26-4-1793 in Sappemeer, moved to “de Middelbrug”) with Annigje (Annechien) Gerrits ten Cate, born 3-3-1767 in Kleinemeer, died 15-8-1837 in Sappemeer, daughter of Gerrit Abrahams ten Cate and Jantje Berends Withaar, farmers in Kalkwijk.
They were mennonites.
1. Reinder Jans Glas, born about 1793/1794 in Sappemeer, follows VII.1
2. Jantje Jans Glas, born about 1796/1797, follows VII.2
3. Aaltje Jans Glas, born about 1797/1798 in Sappemeer, follows VII.3
4. Frouke Jans Glas, born about 1800 in Sappemeer, died 17-10-1821 in house nr. G 12 in Tripscompagnie (21 year).
5. Dievertje Jans Glas, born about oktober 1807 in Tripscompagnie, died 22-1-1831 in house nr. G 13 in Tripscompagnie (23 year).
VI.3 Derk Reinders Glas, son of V.2, from Noordbroek, born 8-12-1765 (according to a list of “weerbare mannen” in 1811) in Noordbroek? and bapt. 21-3-1806 in Hellum “na afgelegde belijdenis des geloofs” as “Dirk Reinders”, died after 1830, probably after 1842, before 1852, labourer in Hellum (1811), married on Whitsuntide 14-5-1795 in Hellum with Diewer (Dievertje) Hendriks Schipper, bapt. 14-10-1770 in Hellum, died 26-3-1853 in Hellum, daughter of Hindrick Claassen (Schipper) and Tjaatje Edses.
22-1-1803, Schildwolde:
Jan Jans representing Harm Jans and Trijntje Pieters living in Wagenborgen, sell an amount of land to Jan Hindriks and Martje Harms, and to Derk Reinders and Diever Hindriks in Hellum for ƒ 150. Jan Hindriks was a brother of Diever Hindriks.
In the civil registers of Hellum of about 1852 Dievertje Schipper lived in house nr. 3, later nr. 7.
Dirk Reinders became a church member in Hellum on 19-3-1806 and his wife Diewer Hindriks in 1810. On 15-12-1817 he was chosen for a period of two years as deacon and on 3-8-1819 he was chosen for two years as elder.
They got not children.
VI.4 Jacob Reinders Glas, son of V.2, born 13-12-1767 (according to the registre civique of Noordbroek in 1811) in Noordbroek?, died 29-7-1852 in Noordbroek, carpenter in Noordbroek (1834), married 22-8-1805 in Noordbroek (h.c. Noordbroek 22-8-1805) with Yktje Jans Schledder, born 1777 in Noordbroek (according to civil records 1850), died 16-2-1855 in Noordbroek, parents unknown.
h.c. Noordbroek 22-8-1805 Between Jacob Reinders Glas and Yktje Jans Sledder:
On the side of the bridegroom: Reinder Derks and Aaltje Jans as father and mother, Jan Reinders as brother, Hindrik Reinders and Antje Lieuwes as brother and sister-in-law, Jacob Fokkes and Frouwke Reinders as brother-in-law and sister, Diewer Reinders as sister.
On the side of the bride: Pieter Geerts and Stijnke Hindriks as half nephew and half niece-in-law, Eilke Obbes and Sijpke Geerts as half nephew-in-law and half niece.
Signed on special request by two witnesses: Augustinus Arends and Hindrik J Buurma.
According to the “registre civique” of Noordbroek in 1811 he was a carpenter and lived in house nr. 99. The civil registers of Noordbroek in 1850 says housenr. 121. They were then dutch reformed and had no occupation.
1. Reinder Jacobs Glas, born 26-7-1807 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 30-8-1807, follows VII.4
2. Jan Jacobs Glas, born 15-11-1810 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 9-12-1810.
VI.5 Trijntje Reinders Glas, daughter of V.2, died after 4-4-1806, married (h.c. Noordbroek 15-5-1805) with Roelf Lieuwes (Bos?), born 27-3-1771 in Noordbroek, son of Lieuwe Oenes and Nantje Roelfs.
Their marriagecontract is almost the same as that of their brother and sister Hindrik Reinders Glas and Antje Lieuwes Bos who married at the same time.
VI.6 Frouke Reinders Glas, daughter of V.2, born about 1775 in Noordbroek (according to civil registers Noordbroek in 1850), died after 1860, shopkeeper in Noordbroek, married 1803 in Noordbroek (mennonite) with Jacob Fokkes Oosthoff, born 15-7-1774 in Noordbroek, died between 23-7-1810 and 1850, son of Fokke Jacobs and Nantje Roelfs.
In the civil registers of Noordbroek 1850-1860 she is widow and lives as shopkeeper in house nr. 204, later nr. 93. She is dutch reformed. Jacob Fokkes Oosthoff is a halfbrother of Roelf Lieuwes (Bos?) (see VI.5) and Antje Lieuwes Bos (see VI.7). Before 1811 they were mennonites, because they are mentioned in the list of churchmembers of the mennonites of Noordbroek / Nieuw Scheemda with their four children.
1. Nantje Jacobs Oosthoff, born 6-12-1803 in Noordbroek.
2. Aaltje Jacobs Oosthoff, born 11-12-1805 in Noordbroek.
3. Siebentje Jacobs Oosthoff, born 18-8-1808 in Noordbroek, died 8-12-1888 in Noordbroek, married 18-2-1830 in Noordbroek with Rigte Simons Dallinga, widower of Kundina Theodoricus Wildeman, born 13-12-1803 in Veendijk onder Siddeburen and bapt. 25-12-1803 in Siddeburen, died 4-7-1836 in Noordbroek, farmer, son of Simon Rigtes Dallinga and Trijntje Hooites Meursing.
4. Dijver Jacobs Oosthoff, born 23-7-1810 in Noordbroek.
VI.7 Hindrik Reinders Glas, son of V.2, born 4-3-1778 in Noordbroek (according to his overlijdensakte, of 20-3-1778 according to the registre civique), died 4-9-1834 in Noordbroek, housepainter and glazier, married 15-5-1805 in Noordbroek (h.c. Noordbroek 15-5-1805) with Antje Lieuwes Bos, born 24-2-1769 in Noordbroek, died 10-11-1840 in Noordbroek, daughter of Lieuwe Oenes and Nantje Roelfs.
h.c. Noordbroek 15-5-1805 between Hindrik Reinders and Antje Lieuwes:
Witnesses on the side of the bridegroom: Reinder Derks and Aaltje Jans as father and mother, Jan Reinders as brother, Derk Reinder and Diewer Hendriks as brother and sister-in-law, Jacob Reinders as brother, Trijntje Reinders and Roelf Lieuwes as sister and coming brother-in-law, Jacob Fokkes and Frouke Reinders as brother-in-law and sister, Diewer Reinders as sister, Reinder Jans and Jantje Jans as nephew and niece.
On the side of the bride: Fokke Jacobs and Nantje Roelfs as stepfather and mother, Isaak Hendriks and Grietje Lieuwes as brother-in-law and sister, Roelf Lieuwes and Trijntje Reinders as brother and coming sister-in-law, Jacob Fokkes and Frouke Reinders as halfbrother and half sister-in-law.
Witnesses: Eppo Harms and H. J. Burema.
Noordbroek 25-11-1805:
Johannes Jans Cardas and his wife sell to Hindrik Reinders Glas and Antje Lieuwes: a house and garden in Noordbroek, for ƒ 1320-10-0.
According to the “registre civique” off Noordbroek in 1811 he was housepainter and lived in house nr. 231.
1. Reinder Hindriks Glas, born 29-9-1806 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 12-10-1806, follows VII.5
VI.8 Reinder Jacobs Glas, son of V.4, born donderdag 7-10-1773 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 24-10-1773, died 8-11-1811 in house nr. 246 in Noordbroeksterhamrik (38 year), farmhand, married 19-5-1799 in Zuidbroek with Etje (Ettjen) Tjapkes Koning, born 6-7-1773 in Uiterburen and bapt. 11-7-1773 in Zuidbroek, labourer in Noordbroeksterhamrik (1822, 1833), daughter of Tjapko Pieters and Fenje Berends.
According to the “registre civique” of Noordbroek in 1811 he was labourer and lived in house nr. 331.
1. Arentje Reinders Glas, born 29-12-1799 in Borgercompagnie and bapt. 2-2-1800 in Zuidbroek, follows VII.6
2. Fenje Reinders Glas, born 19-10-1802 in Uiterburen and bapt. 7-11-1802 in Zuidbroek.
3. Jakob Reinders Glas, born about 1805 in ?, died 30-6-1819 in house nr. 246 in Noordbroeksterhamrik (“niet wel 14 year”), farmhand.
4. Jan Reinders Glas, born 3-9-1805 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 29-9-1805. [possibly the same as the previous? Maybe I read the name wrong.]
5. Tjapke Reinders Glas, born 29-5-1807 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 7-6-1807, follows VII.7
VI.9 Derk Jacobs Glas, son of V.4, born “saturdag” 15-3-1777 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 20-3-1777, died 16-10-1838 in Wagenborgen (60 year), innkeeper and merchant in Wagenborgen, married 24-5-1801 in Noordbroek with Marieke (Marijke / Maria) Klaassens (Schipper), died after 14-7-1849, daughter of unknown.
Most of the time Marieke didn’t use her familyname Schipper.
According to the “registre civique” of Noordbroek in 1811 he was labourer and lived in house nr. 340.
1. Anna Derks Glas, born 1-2-1806 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 9-2-1806, follows VII.8
2. Arendje Derks Glas, born 11-8-1808 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 21-8-1808, follows VII.9
3. Jakobje Derks Glas, born 21-12-1810 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 27-1-1811.
4. Frouke Glas, born 1816/1817 in Wagenborgen, follows VII.10
VI.10 Remke Jacobs Glas, daughter of V.4, born thursday 9-3-1780 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 16-3-1780, died after 19-5-1836, dan labourer in Noordbroek, married 19-10-1800 in Noordbroek with Arent Willems Hartman, from Siddeburen, died 5-10-1821 in Noordbroek.
1. Grietje Arents Hartman, born 31-8-1812 in Noordbroek, marries her nephew Tjapke Reinders Glas. Follows VII.7!
VI.11 Annechien Jacobs Glas, daughter of V.4, born saturday 26-11-1785 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 4-12-1785, died 6-11-1840 in Meeden (55 year), labourer in Meeden (1814, 1840), married (1) 30-9-1809 in Noordbroek with Kornelis Luppes, born 18-3-1781 in Meeden and ald. bapt. 25-3-1781, died 6-7-1811 in Meeden and ald. begr. 9-7-1811 (30 year, living in de Molengilde in house no. 16, leaving behind his wife and a child), son of Luppe Cornellis and Ida Hindriks, married (2) 4-3-1814 in Meeden with Roelf Berents Westera, born 24-9-1786 in Meeden and ald. bapt. 1-10-1786, died after 6-11-1840, farmhand in Meeden (1814) and labourer (1840), son of Berent Warnderts Westera and E(e)nje Roelfs.
Child of the first marriage:
1. Luppo Kornelis, born 19-11-1809 in Meeden and ald. bapt. 10-12-1809.
VII.1 Reinder Jans Glas, son of VI.2, born 1793/1794 in Sappemeer, died after 13-2-1862, labourer in Sappemeer and farmer in Tripscompagnie (gem. Muntendam) (1856) and no occupation in Sappemeer (1862), married 21-5-1825 in Sappemeer with Aaltje Willems Deen, born 5-1-1807 in Tripscompagnie (gem. Muntendam) and baptized 11-1-1807 in Zuidbroek, died after 13-2-1862, daughter of Willem Hansens Deen and Fransina Jochems, farmers in Tripscompagnie.
1. Annechien Reinders Glas, born April 1826, died 27-4-1826 in gem. Zuidbroek (14 days old).
2. Willem Reinders Glas, born May 1827 in Tripscompagnie, died 5-8-1827 in gem. Muntendam (11 weeks old).
3. Jan Glas, born 25-4-1829 in Tripscompagnie (gem. Muntendam), follows VIII.1
4. Francina Glas, born 23-11-1834 in Muntendam, follows VIII.2
5. Annechien Reinders Glas, born July 1837 in Tripscompagnie, died 11-8-1837 in gem. Muntendam (1 month old).
6. Stijntje Glas, born 28-5-1844 in Muntendam, follows VIII.3
VII.2 Jantje Jans Glas, daughter of VI.2, born 1796/1797, married 12-4-1821 in Zuidbroek with Benjamin Sijpkens, born 1790/1791, living in Zuidbroek, son of Sijpko Tiddes Sijpkens, merchant and Anneke ter Horsten? (died 24-1-1813 in Zuidbroek).
VII.3 Aaltje Jans Glas, daughter of VI.2, born 1797/1798 in Sappemeer, married 4-5-1822 in Sappemeer with Johan Heinrich Freudenberg, alias Hindrik Hindriks Friedenberg, born 1788/1789 in Bramsche, Vorstendom Osnabrug, Koningrijk Hannover, farmhand in Sappemeer, son of Johann Heinrich Freudenberg and Adelheid Balken, labourers in Bramsche.
VII.4 Reinder Jacobs Glas, son of VI.4), born 26-7-1807 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 30-8-1807, died after 1860, before 15-11-1879, weaver in Noordbroek, married 5-12-1834 in Noordbroek with Elsien (Elsijn) Edzerts (Esderts) Hassebroek, born 3-10-1812 in Winschoten, died after 15-11-1879, daughter of Edzert Simons Hassebroek and Geertje Jans Nap.
According to the civil administration of Noordbroek 1850-1860 they lived in house nr. 217, later the number changed to nr. 106. They were dutch reformed and he was weaver.
1. Jakob Reinders Glas, born about the end of 1838, died 3-8-1840 in Noordbroek (1¾ year old).
2. Geertje Glas, born April 1849 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.4
VII.5 Reinder Hindriks Glas, son of VI.7, born 29-9-1806 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 12-10-1806, died 28-9-1894 in Noordbroek, first baker, later housepainter, married 18-7-1833 in Noordbroek with Elizabeth Jans Steenhuis, born 17-5-1814 in Nieuwolda, died 30-6-1875 in Noordbroek, daughter of Jan Everts Steenhuis and Annechien Jans Prenger.
1. Antje Glas, born 11-2-1834 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.5
2. Annechien Glas, born 10-5-1835 in Noordbroek, died 9-11-1920 in Winschoten. She was not married.
3. Hindrik Glas, born about 1836 in Noordbroek, died 26-7-1838 in Noordbroek.
4. Jan Glas, born about februari 1838 in Noordbroek, died 17-7-1838 in Noordbroek (5 months old).
5. Hinderika Glas, born about juli 1839 in Noordbroek, died 3-11-1840 in Noordbroek (16 months old).
6. Hindrik Glas, born 13-1-1841 in Noordbroek, died 1861/1862: drowned at sea. He was not married.
7. Jan Glas, born 22-12-1842 in Noordbroek, died 10-3-1920 in Groningen, coach-builder (1876). He was not married.
8. Frouwe Glas, born 24-3-1845 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.6
9. Freerk Glas, born 20-12-1849 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.7
10. Jakob Glas, born 12-7-1853 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.8
11. Simon Glas, born 20-6-1856 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.9
VII.6 Arentje Reinders Glas, daughter of VI.8), born 29-12-1799 in Borgercompagnie and bapt. 2-2-1800 in Zuidbroek, married (1) 8-8-1822 in Noordbroek with Willem Harms van der Schans, born 17-3-1895 in Nieuw Scheemda, died 5-5-1824 in Noordbroek, farmhand, son of Harm Willems van der Schans and Fenje Egberts, married (2) 6-6-1833 in Noordbroek with Johann Heinrich Kloene, alias Hindrik Kleun, widower of Lammechien Rijkels Prins (died 10-9-1827 in Siddeburen), born 25-4-1791 in Gehrde in the Vorstendom Osnabrück, labourer in Noordbroek (1833) and in Uiterburen (1850-1860), son of Johann Hermann Kloene, carpenter in Lingen in the Koningrijk Hannover and Catharina Maria Eilerman (died 18-12-1826 in Zuidbroek).
In the civil registers of Zuibroek 1850-1860 he is called Hindrik Kleun. They lived ther in Uiterburen A 60. Hij was labourer and his religion was Evangelic Lutheran and she was Dutch reformed.
Arentje got between her two marriages a child:
1. Reinder Glas, born about 1830 in Siddeburen, seaman in Uiterburen (1850). Hij moved 20-10-1857 from Uiterburen to Groningen.
VII.7 Tjapke (Tjapko) Reinders Glas, son of VI.8, born 29-5-1807 in Noordbroek, died after 11-5-1872, farmhand in Noordbroek and merchant in Uiterburen (1850-1872), married 19-5-1836 in Noordbroek with Grietje Arents Hartman, daughter of VI.10, born 31-8-1812 in Noordbroek, died between 1848 and 1850, probably in Zuidbroek.
1. Etje Glas, born 17-9-1837 in Noordbroek, follows VIII.10
2. Remke Glas, born 29-3-1841 in Noordbroek. “dient in Dragtster Compagnie” according to civil registers from Zuidbroek 1850-1860.
3. Reinder Glas, born 5-8-1844 in Zuidbroek, follows VIII.11
4. Arent Glas, born 29-11-1848 in Zuidbroek.
In the civil registers from Zuidbroek 1850-1860 he appears as widower in house nr. A 10 in Uiterburen. He was a merchant.
VII.8 Anna Derks Glas, daughter of VI.9, born 1-2-1806 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 9-2-1806, married 12-4-1830 in Nieuwolda with Jan Jans Klein, born 16-3-1806 in Nieuwolda, boatman in Nieuwolda, son of Jan Hindriks Klein and Trijntje Jans Helder.
VII.9 Arendje Derks Glas, daughter of VI.9), born 11-8-1808 in Noordbroek and ald. bapt. 21-8-1808, married (1) 26-12-1844 in Groningen with Koop Nuissema, born 18-11-1814 in Gronigen, no occupation in Groningen (1844), son of Hijlke? Nuissema and Wijbrigje Sjoukes Tjepkema.
VII.10 Frouke Glas, daughter of VI.9, born 1816/1817 in Wagenborgen, married 14-7-1849 in Haren with Jan Reinders de Ruiter, widower of Hinderkien Harms, born 1814/1815? in Peize, living in Haren (1849), son of Jan Reinders and Hillegien Jans.
VIII.1 Jan Glas, son of VII.1, born 25-4-1829 in Tripscompagnie (gem. Muntendam), died after 29-5-1890, farmer in Tripscompagnie (1856, 1887) and in Achterdiep (1862), married (1) 3-1-1856 in Sappemeer with Geertje Dekker, born 20-4-1834 in Achterdiep, daughter of Pieter Makkes Dekker and Eelje Arends from Dam, married (2) 22-5-1858 in Slochteren with Gezina Doorenbos, born 14-1-1837 in Slochteren, died after 29-5-1890.
Children of the second marriage:
1. Reinder Glas, born 23-10-1860 in Achterdiep, follows IX.1
2. Jan Glas, born 1862/1863 in Tripscompagnie, follows IX.2
3. Eiso Glas, born 12-1-1869 in Tripscompagnie, follows IX.3
4 more children who died at a young age.
VIII.2 Fransina Glas, daughter of VII.1, born 23-11-1834 in Muntendam, married 3-5-1855 in Muntendam with Folkert Freerks Groeneveld, born 10-10-1827 in Hoogezand, died 26-5-1898.
They got 6 children.
VIII.3 Stijntje Glas, daughter of VII.1, born 28-5-1844 in Muntendam, married 13-2-1862 in Sappemeer with Hendrik Mantinga (ook wel Muntinga), born 28-9-1842 in Sappemeer, cornmiller in Sappemeer (1862), son of Jan Mantinga (ook Muntinga) and Anke Venema.
He had blue eyes and blond hair.
VIII.4 Geertje Glas, daughter of VII.4, born april 1849 in Noordbroek, married 15-11-1879 in Noordbroek with Lambertus Weers, born 1848/1849 in Schildwolde, farmer in Schildwolde (1879), son of Jan Lambartus Weers and Zwaantje Pieters from Dijken.
VIII.5 Antje Glas, daughter of VII.5, born 11-2-1834 in Noordbroek, died 8-10-1916 in Winschoten, married 26-5-1869 in Winschoten with Hendrik Dik, born 16-10-1840 in Winschoten, died 22-12-1908 in Winschoten.
1. Jan Dik, born 19-3-1870 in Winschoten, died 21-11-1934 in Alkmaar. He was not married.
2. Reinder Dik, born 8-3-1873 in Winschoten, died 27-5-1965 in Velsen, married with Imke van Dijk, 22-3-1874 in Nieuwolda, died 17-3-1943 in Winschoten
1. Hendrik Dik, born 23-3-1897 in Finsterwolde, died 5-7-1952 in Vlissingen, married with Emke Jansen, born 4-2-1902 in Finsterwolde, died 7-11-1970 in Vlissingen.
2. Aagina Antina Dik, born 29-11-1899 in Finsterwolde, died 16-9-1980 in Velsen, married with Pieter Jacob Delleman.
3. Jacob Dik, born 6-1-1903 in Winschoten, married with A. Laurens, died before 1987.
4. Jan Dik, born 16-11-1903 in Winschoten, died 25-6-1965 in Vlissingen, married with Margaretha Groenhoff.
5. Antje Dik, born 30-7-1907 in Winschoten, married with H. Kwant, died before 1987.
6. Annechien Dik, born 30-6-1910 in Winschoten, died 1-9-1978 in Velsen, married with F. Haan.
7. Pieter Dik, born 14-9-1912 in Winschoten, married with H. van Klinken.
8. Reinder Dik, born 28-7-1918 in Winschoten, married with A. Fasten.
3. Mettje Wubbiena Dik, born 17-10-1875 in Winschoten, married with Johan Bernardus van der Borg, born 21-8-1879 in Groningen, died 15-4-1919 in Winschoten.
1. Antje van der Borg, born 31-3-1902 in Winschoten, died 21-8-1984 in Utrecht, married with W. Dijs, died 1971.
2. Elizabeth Reindina van der Borg, born 16-10-1903 in Winschoten, married with Berend Visser, died 25-3-1984 in Wageningen.
3. Gezina Christina van der Borg, born 22-9-1904 in Winschoten, died 16-9-1986 in Haren, married (1) with F. Lameris, they were divorced, she married (2) with E. de Ruiter, died before 16-9-1986.
4. Hendrik van der Borg, born 2-12-1905 in Winschoten, died 2-12-1943 in Utrecht, married with Neeltje Maagendans, born 11-1-1906 in Dordrecht, died 19-7-1975 in Amersfoort.
5. Harmanna Maria Elizabeth van der Borg, born 31-1-1907 in Winschoten, died 9-3-1974 in Brunssum, married (1) with W. Dekker, married (2) with R. Moed, no children.
6. Annegien van der Borg, born 5-4-1908 in Winschoten, married with A. C. Peters, died before 1987.
7. Christina Elisabeth Hinderika van der Borg, born 31-7-1909 in Winschoten, married with G. J. van Buuren, died before 1987.
8. Jantina van der Borg, born 4-9-1911 in Winschoten, died 10-10-1971 in Utrecht, married with H. van Zanten.
9. Bernardus Antonius van der Borg, born 20-3-1913 in Winschoten, died 23-4-1985 in Nieuwegein, married with Carolina Fokkens, died before 23-4-1985.
10. Johan Bernardus van der Borg, born 27-12-1919 in Winschoten, married with Frouwke Beertema, died before 1987.
VIII.6 Frouwke Glas, daughter of VII.5, born 24-3-1845 in Noordbroek, died 23-2-1903 in Leeuwarden, married 25-5-1871 in Groningen with Willem Zwama.
1. Reinder Hendrik Zwama, born 18-7-1876 in Groningen, died 13-2-1925 in Leeuwarden, married with ?
1. Froukje Zwama, born 17-5-1906 in Leeuwarden, died 20-2-1984 in Leeuwarden. She was not married.
VIII.7 Freerk Glas, son of VII.5, born 20-12-1849 in Noordbroek, died 18-1-1919 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA, married 21-5-1874 in gemeente Oostdongeradeel with Japke Douma, born 10-12-1854 in Anjum, died 1939 in Grand Rapids, U.S.A.
They emigrated 23-2-1881 from Anjum to the USA.
1. Reinder Glas (Richard Glass), born 7-11-1874 in Anjum, follows IX.4
2. Auke Glas (Isaac Glass), born 18-11-1876 in Anjum, died 27-6-1956 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA. He was not married.
3. Elizabeth Hinderika Glas (Elizabeth Harriet Glass), born 27-12-1878 in Anjum, follows IX.5
4. Douwe Glas (David Glass), born 21-4-1881 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.6
5. Antje Glas (Anna Glass), born 5-12-1883 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.7
6. Vrouwtje Glas (Flora Glass), born 14-11-1885 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.8
7. Jakob Glas (Jacob Glass), born 5-1-1888 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.9
8. Jan Glas (John Glass), born 14-2-1890 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.10
9. Fogeltjen Glas (Bertha Glass), born 11-7-1892 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.11
10. Hinderik Glas (Henry Glass), born 27-4-1895 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.12
11. Frederik Glas (Fredrick Glass), born 21-9-1901 in Grand Rapids, follows IX.13
VIII.8 Jakob Glas, son of VII.5, born 12-7-1853 in Noordbroek, died 4-2-1939 in Siddeburen, zeeman, later farmer and shopkeeper, married 23-12-1876 in Noordbroek with Folcherdina Bloupot, born 29-5-1849 in Noordbroek, died 20-4-1920 in Siddeburen, seemstress, daughter of Pieter Andries Bloupot and Grietje Folkerts Bergman.
The first lived in Noordbroek where Jakob was seaman, after that they moved to Hellum (merchant) and finally to Siddeburen.
1. Elizabeth Glas, born 2-11-1877 in Noordbroek, follows IX.14
2. Hindrik Folchert Glas, born 2-11-1879 in Noordbroek, follows IX.15
3. Reinder Glas, born 25-11-1881 in Hellum, follows IX.16
4. Pieter Glas, born 30-9-1883 in Hellum, follows IX.17
5. Jan Glas, born 8-12-1885 in Hellum, follows IX.18
6. Grietje Glas, born 17-12-1888 in Hellum?, follows IX.19
VIII.9 Simon Glas, son of VII.5, born 20-6-1856 in Noordbroek, died ?-3-1928 in Groningen, married (1) 27-11-1884 in Noordbroek with Hilje Harkema, born 28-11-1856 in Aduard, died 11-11-1890 in Groningen, married (2) 10-11-1892 in Noordbroek with Liefke Moesker, born 28-9-1861 in Noordbroek, died ?-1-1925 in Groningen.
Children of the first marriage:
1. Reinard Johan Glas, born 21-11-1885 in Groningen, died before 8-3-1984.
2. Hillegonda Elizabeth Glas, born 21-11-1887 in Groningen, died 4-6-1889 in Groningen.
3. Hillegonda Elizabeth Glas, born 25-3-1890 in Groningen, died 3-3-1971 in Groningen, married with S. Bruinsma. No children.
Children of the second marriage:
4. Nicolaas Jan Glas, born 2-12-1893 in Groningen, died 23-6-1974 in Groningen.
5. Jacoba Glas, born in Groningen, died 10-2-1945 in Groningen.
6. Jan Glas, born 30-11-1897 in Groningen, died 8-3-1984 in Groningen. He was not married and lived in Groningen in the Coehoornsingel 55A.
7. Elizabeth Antje Glas, born 26-3-1899 in Groningen, died 26-11-1954 in Groningen, married with M. H. Hefting. No children.
8. Frederik Hendrik Glas, born 18-8-1901 in Groningen, died 5-11-1962 in Groningen.
The above mentioned Jan Glas who died in 1984 was the lasts descendant of Simon Glas. According to his testament a public notary got the job of finding all heirs. It took a lot of time to find everyone because the heirs were spread all over the world. The official treaty of partition took place on 19-5-1987 more than three yaers after his death. The information found in this treaty was the main source for data about the Glas family members who emigrated to other countries.
VIII.10 Etje (Ettjen) Glas, daughter of VII.7, born 17-9-1837 in Noordbroek, married 3-6-1865 in Zuidbroek with Hindrik de Groot, born 12-3-1843 in Midwolda, smithshand in Midwolda (1865), son of Willem Hindriks de Groot and Geesien Heikes Waterman.
VIII.11 Reinder Glas, son of VII.7, born 5-8-1844 in Zuidbroek, died after 25-2-1911, carpenter in Zuidbroek (1872, 1911), married 11-5-1872 in Zuidbroek with Antje Bronkema, born 18-10-1839 in Eenrum, died after 25-2-1911, daughter of Leuwe Pieters Bronkema and Grietje Jans Bouwman.
1. Grietje Glas, born 1875/1876 in Zuidbroek, follows IX.20
IX.1 Reinder Glas, son of VIII.1, born 23-10-1860 in Achterdiep, died 9-1-1933 in Groningen, no occupation in Tripscompagnie (1887) and farmer in Sappemeer 1890-1914, married 14-5-1887 in Noorddijk with Rienje Boerma, born 16-12-1859 in Noorddijk, died 14-10-1923 in Groningen, daughter of Eltje Boerma and Grietje de Waard, farmers in Noorddijk.
1. Jan Glas, born 24-3-1888 in Sappemeer, follows X.1
2. Grietje Gesina Glas, born 7-10-1889 in Sappemeer, follows X.2
3. Gezina Glas, born 9-7-1894 in Midwolda, follows X.3
IX.2 Jan Glas, son of VIII.1, born 1862/1863 in Tripscompagnie, no occupation (1887) and farmer in Tripscompagnie (1890), married 29-5-1890 in Hoogezand with Grietje Kremer, born 1857/1858 in Windeweer, daughter of Jan Berends Kremer and Annechien Leutscher.
IX.3 Eiso Glas, son of VIII.1, born 12-1-1869 in Tripscompagnie, married 7-5-1896 in ? with Jantina Hamminga, born 6-3-1872 in Muntendam.
1. Jan Reinder Glas, born 21-9-1897, died about 1913 (16 year).
2. Jan Glas, born 22-7-1901, follows X.4
IX.4 Reinder Glas (Richard Glass), son of VIII.5, born 7-11-1874 in Anjum, died 27-11-1962 in Grand Rapids, married with ?
1. Pauline Glass, born 4-3-1897 in Grand Rapids, died 19-10-1984 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1984). Unmarried.
2. Frederick Richard Glass, born 10-3-1899 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grant, Michigan (1987).
3. Marvin Glass, born 2-10-1901 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987). He was then a widower.
4. Raymond Laurence Glass, born 2-9-1904 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987). Unmarried.
5. Richard Glass, follows X.5
6. Lucille Muriel Glass, born 22-4-1912 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with Arnold L. McKey.
7. Vivian Glass, born 18-12-1914 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with R. Dale Berger.
IX.5 Elizabeth Hinderika Glas (Elizabeth Harriet Glass), daughter of VIII.5, born 27-12-1878 in Anjum, died 31-10-1919 in Grand Rapids, married with Jacob Top.
1. Jeanette Top, born 10-4-1903 in Grand Rapids, died 1-7-1957 in Grand Rapids?, married Jerome Hazenberg.
IX.6 Douwe Glas (David Glass), son of VIII.5, born 21-4-1881 in Grand Rapids, died 24-9-1961 in Grand Rapids, married with ?
1. Gerald Glass, born 10-3-1904 in Grand Rapids, died 17-10-1983 in Grand Rapids?
2. Fred Glass, died 22-1-1980, follows X.6
3. Bernice Glass, died 6-6-1983, follows X.7
IX.7 Antje Glas (Anna Glass), daughter of VIII.5, born 5-12-1883 in Grand Rapids, died 18-7-1942 in Grand Rapids, married with Henry Bush.
1. Julius Frederick Bush, born 31-5-1909 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with D. Kalkofen.
2. Robert Bush, died 13-11-1962, married with Genevieve Cordone.
IX.8 Vrouwtje Glas (Flora Glass), daughter of VIII.5, born 14-11-1885 in Grand Rapids, died 8-1-1981 in Grand Rapids, married with ... Vanden Hout.
1. Walter Vanden Hout, born 6-2-1906 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?
2. Fred Vanden Hout, born 2-5-1910 in Grand Rapids, verkoper living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?
3. Elizabeth Vanden Hout, died 5-12-1972 (12-5-1973 according to Dave Alverson) in ?, married with ... Misner.
4. Dorothy Jane Vanden Hout, born 5-10-1921 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Sparta, Michigan (1987), married with H. Freeman.
IX.9 Jakob Glas (Jacob Glass), son of VIII.5, born 5-1-1888 in Grand Rapids, died 27-9-1965 in Grand Rapids, married with Fannie Terpstra, born 28-2-1884, died 14-8-1972, daughter of John Terpstra en Angie Dykstra.
1. Angeline (Angie) Glass, born 25-6-1907 in Grand Rapids, died 8-3-2000, living in Grand Rapids (1987), married 26-10-1928 with William T. vanderWall, born 28-1-1906 in Grand Rapids, died 22-5-1974.
1. Roger VanderWall, born 28-5-1930
2. Doris VanderWall, born 22-8-1932 in Grand Rapids.
3. Maxine VanderWall, born 27-6-1934.
4. Lois VanderWall, born 24-5-1937 in Grand Rapids.
2. Arthur (Auther) Glass, born 24-7-1909 in Grand Rapids, follows X.8
3. Gertrude (Gert) Glass, born 6-12-1910, follows X.9
4. Eleanor (Ellenor) Glass, born 18-11-1923 in Grand Rapids, living in Wyoming, Michigan (1987), married 26-10-1945 with Martin H. Kooistra, born 7-11-1921.
1. Thomas Kooistra, born 20-9-1948.
2. Dale Kooistra, born 18-11-1950.
3. Kenneth Kooistra, born 4-5-1953.
4. Sharon Kooistra, born 31-3-1956.
5. Jack Glass, born 11-9-1925, died 8-4-1945 at sea in the second world war. He was not married.
6. Ronald (Ron) Leroy Glass, born 28-6-1929 in Grand Rapids, volgt X.10
IX.10 Jan Glas (John Glass), son of VIII.5, born 14-2-1890 in Grand Rapids, died 14-9-1966 in Grand Rapids, married with Anna Krottje.
1. Genevieve Glass, born 9-3-1915 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with John H. van Lonkhuyzen.
2. Mary Ann Glass, born 29-3-1922 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with Hoyt E. Kremer.
IX.11 Fogeltjen Glas (Bertha Glass), daughter of VIII.5, born 11-7-1892 in Grand Rapids, died 6-2-1969 in Grand Rapids, married with William McFall.
1. William Fredrick McFall, born 3-11-1913 in Holland, Michigan, no occupation living in Portage, Michigan (1987), married with ?, died before 1987.
2. Evelyn McFall, born 9-9-1919 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grandville, Michigan (1987), married with Marvin Oosterink.
IX.12 Hinderik Glas (Henry Glass), son of VIII.5, born 27-4-1895 in Grand Rapids, died 26-12-1926 in Grand Rapids, married with ?
1. Robert Glass, born 18-7-1920 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?
2. Henry Glass, born 30-12-1924 in Grand Rapids, aannemer living in Rockford, Michigan (1987), married with ?
3. Richard Glass, born 15-7-1922 in Grand Rapids, installatietechnicus living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?
4. Donald Glass, born 7-1-1927 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?, died before 1987.
IX.13 Frederik Glas (Fredrick Glass), son of VIII.5, born 21-9-1901 in Grand Rapids, died 27-3-1976 in Grand Rapids, married with ?
1. Fred Caleb Glass, born 2-12-1921 in Alpine Township, entrepeneur living in Comstock Park, Michigan (1987), married with ?
2. Arlene Glass, born 20-6-1925 in Alpine Township, factoryhand living in Battle Creak, Michigan (1987), married with Leroy Despins.
3. Betty Ann (Elizabeth) Glass, born 17-7-1929 in Alpine Township, no occupation living in Comstock Park (1987), married with G. G. Shafer.
4. Karl Raymond Glass, born 17-3-1935 in Sparta, engineer living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with ?
IX.14 Elizabeth Glas, daughter of VIII.6, born 2-11-1877 in Noordbroek, died 29-4-1959 in Annen, married 4-11-1905 in Slochteren with Jakob Boerema, widower of Renske Ruben, born 29-9-1877 in Hellum, died 26-6-1965 in Annen, farmer and wagoner last in Annen, son of Rigte Boerema and Grietje Bielsema.
They first lived in Siddeburen and Harkstede. From 1940 they lived on the Zuidlaarderweg in Annen. They bought the farm there in 1940 for ƒ 5000.
1. Jakob Boerema, born 31-8-1906 in Siddeburen, died 12-11-1993 in Groningen, factorylabourer in Harkstede, married 28-4-1934 in Slochteren with Elsje Elzinga, born 29-6-1910 in Kolham, died 5-9-1993 in Haren, daughter of Teunis Elzinga and Anje Daanje.
2. Grietje Folcherdina Boerema, born 2-9-1907 in Siddeburen, died 10-3-1999 in Haren, married 3-11-1928 in Slochteren with Jan Bont, born 20-12-1903 in Loppersum, died 6-8-1994 in Winschoten, hotelkeeper, son of Harm Bont and Hindertje Moesker.
3. Folcherdina Boerema, born 11-11-1908 in Siddeburen, died 8-4-1994 in Groningen, married 30-4-1929 in Slochteren with Roelf Bont, born 19-11-1906 in Loppersum, died 30-6-1982 in Groningen, transportundertaker, son of Hendrik Bont and Maria Stuivinga.
4. Harm Boerema, born 26-10-1909 in Siddeburen, died 29-12-1986 in Annen, cattle-dealer married 6-1-1932 in Coevorden with Wietske from Dekken, born 21-6-1910 in Coevorden, died 17-9-2000 in Eelde, daughter of Pieter from Dekken and Aaltje from Wijk.
5. Gretha Boerema, born 7-4-1912 in Siddeburen, died 5-10-1985 in Dokkum, married 15-12-1930 in Slochteren with Josephus Henricus from Druenen, born 8-3-1905 in ’s Hertogenbosch, died 3-4-1998 in Noardburgum, cabinet-maker, son of Pieter from Druenen and Geertruida Oorsouw.
6. Trijntje Boerema, born 27-2-1914 in Siddeburen, died 13-12-1995 in Groningen, married 1-2-1936 in Slochteren with Egbert Thoma, born 22-1-1910 in Slochteren, died 8-12-1961 in Kolham, factorylabourer, son of Geert Thoma and Jeltje Kolkema.
7. Henderika Folgerdiena Boerema, born 4-2-1915 in Siddeburen, married 7-5-1940 in Slochteren with Jan Ebel Luursema, born 25-9-1910 in Tjuchem, died 23-3-1988 in Groningen, corn dealer, son of Pieter Luursema and Sietje Westing.
8. Rieno Boerema, born 1-6-1916 in Groningen, died 12-4-2015 in Annen, farmer/house butcher in Annen, married 9-9-1966 in Annen with Egberdina Grietina Aalders, born 30-9-1931 in Eext, daughter of Geert Aalders and Geesje Dolfing.
9. Reinder Boerema, born 14-4-1918 in Siddeburen, died 22-10-1999 in Groningen, milkman, married 19-9-1942 in Anloo with Egbertien Scheffers, born 19-5-1922 in Annen, died 28-12-2003 in Annen, daughter of Albertus Scheffers and Egbertien Gerbers.
10. stillborn Child, 27-9-1919 in Siddeburen.
11. Jacoba Elizabeth Boerema, born 27-4-1921 in Siddeburen, married 27-4-1956 in Anloo with Roelf Vedder, born 26-4-1926 in Borger, died 21-7-1976 in Groningen, son of Willem Vedder and Annechina Jantina Jacoba Wilting.
IX.15 Hindrik Folchert Glas, son of VIII.6, born 2-11-1879 in Noordbroek, died 18-10-1949 in Sappemeer, butcher, married 8-5-1909 in Nieuwolda with Grietje van der Veen, born 20-11-1885 in Nieuwolda, died 28-1-1981 in Richmond, Canada, daughter of Aapko van der Veen and Pieterke de Vries.
1. Pieterdina Folcherdina Glas, born 23-7-1910 in Siddeburen, living in Richmond (1987), married with J. E. A. MacDonald, died before 1987.
2. Folcherdina Jacobina Glas, born 11-1-1913 in Siddeburen, living in Richmond (1987). She is not married.
IX.16 Reinder Glas, son of VIII.6, born 25-11-1881 in Hellum, died 4-12-1918 in Hellum, baker, married 15-11-1910 in Slochteren with Trientje Jager, born 6-12-1882 in Hellum, died 19-7-1976 in Thornleigh, Australië, daughter of Tjapko Jager and Kundina Boerema.
1. Kundina Jacobina Glas, born 7-10-1911 in Hellum, died 16-11-1994 in Sydney, Australië, no occupation living in Oakville, Australië (1987), married 20-5-1935 in Slochteren with Derk Stuut, born 19-10-1905 in Siddeburen, hairdresser, son of Egbert Stuut and Lubbarta Asselina Lingbeek.
IX.17 Pieter Glas, son of VIII.6, born 30-9-1883 in Hellum, died 21-10-1981 in Groningen, married with Geessien Doornbos.
The got no children.
IX.18 Jan Glas, son of VIII.6, born 8-12-1885 in Hellum, died 1-5-1974 in Delfzijl, farmer, married 16-3-1907 in Slochteren with Frouke Boerema, born 7-1-1888 in Hellum, died 6-4-1939 in Groningen, daughter of Rigte Boerema and Grietje Bielsema.
1. Jakob Glas, born about June/July 1907 in Siddeburen, died 16-6-1908 in Siddeburen (11 months old).
2. Folgerdiena Glas, born 27-8-1908 in Siddeburen, died begin 1995, no occupation living in Kolham (1987), married 15-11-1938 in Slochteren with Jan Derk Prins, born 24-3-1912 in Slochteren, died 12-2-1980 in Slochteren, milkman, son of Hindrik Prins and Abeltje Keulen.
3. Rigte Glas, born 22-1-1910 in Siddeburen, died 26-8-1981 in Siddeburen, hotelkeeper/milkman, married 3-5-1932 in Slochteren with Meike Meijer, born 22-7-1911 in Schildwolde, daughter of Jan Meijer and Janna Blaauw.
4. stillborn Child, 24-3-1912 in Siddeburen. This according to the boek Dallinga. Personally I could not find it in the registers of Slochteren.
5. Jacob Glas, born 15-5-1914 in Siddeburen, died 24-6-1997 in Siddeburen, poultry holder and no occupation living in Hellum (1987), married 14-5-1941 in Slochteren with Frouwke Dallinga, born 18-6-1918 in Hellum, died 29-8-1984 in Hellum, daughter of Heiko Dallinga and Meentje Kampen.
6. Grietje Glas, born 22-12-1915 in Siddeburen, died 25-2-1997 in Slochteren, no occupation living in Slochteren (1987), married with Hendrik Ebels, born 1909/1910 in ?, died 24-5-1998 in Slochteren (88 year).
7. Hendrik Glas, born 3-4-1918 in Siddeburen, shopkeeper in Schildwolde, married 29-4-1942 in Slochteren with Hendrikje Kampen, born 7-9-1922 in Hellum, daughter of Geert Kampen and Geessiena Snijder.
IX.19 Grietje Glas, daughter of VIII.6, born 17-12-1888 in Hellum?, died 20-2-1972 in Siddeburen, married 20-5-1913 in Slochteren? with Hendrik Sjabbo Bronts, born 28-8-1886 in Hellum, died 25-2-1977 in Siddeburen, farmer on “Onder de Linden” in Noordbroek 1927-1941 (BB Noord/Zuidbroek nr. 28), son of Sjabbo Eppes Bronts and Tjawina Brouwer.
1. Sjabbo Eppes Bronts, born 13-5-1914 in Hellum, died ?-?-1981 in Amsterdam, married with Jantje Auke Strijk, died 1982 in Amsterdam.
2. Folgerdina Tjawina Bronts, born 16-7-1919 in Hellum, no occupation living in Ezinge (1987), married with B. Woldhuis.
3. Tjawina Folgerdina Bronts, born 4-2-1923 in Hellum, no occupation living in Siddeburen (1987), married with and divorced from W. de Boer.
IX.20 Grietje Glas, daughter of VIII.11, born 1875/1876 in Zuidbroek, seemstress (1911), married 25-2-1911 in Vries with Harm Dolfing, born 2-2-1866 in Holthe, died 22-9-1930 te Vries, labourer in Vries (1911), son of Jan Dolfing and Jantje Speelman.
X.1 Jan Glas, son of IX.1, born 24-3-1888 in Sappemeer, died 9-1-1953 in Midwolda, farmer Hoofdweg 31 in Midwolda 1891-1919 (BWO 37), married 19-5-1919 in Noordbroek with Neeltje Niessina ten Have, born 30-8-1899 in Noordbroek, daughter of Scholto ten Have and Wilkelina Tuinier, farmers in Noordbroek (BB Noord/Zuidbroek 14).
Theu bought in 1925 the farm of his parents for ƒ 70500,-. After them came their son, first as user and from 1971 as owner.
1. Wilkelina Glas, born 8-3-1920 in Midwolda.
2. Rienje Glas, born 9-7-1921 in Midwolda.
3. Reinder Glas, born 24-11-1923 in Midwolda.
X.2 Grietje Gesina Glas, daughter of IX.1, born 7-10-1889 in Sappemeer, died 15-12-1957 in Oberholzer (Transvaal), married 5-9-1912 in Midwolda with Engel Engels, born 26-6-1887 in Noordbroek, died 12-10-1940 in Oberholzer (Transvaal), farmer in Noordbroek (BB Noord/Zuidbroek 24), emigrated January 1928 to South Africa, son of Eppo Engels and Yktjen Oosthoff.
6 children of which I have no further information.
X.3 Gezina Glas, daughter of IX.1, born 9-7-1894 in Midwolda, died 22-3-1957 in Scheemda, married 12-5-1915 in Scheemda with Gerhard Geuko Toxopeus, born 14-2-1886 in Scheemda, died 18-5-1967 in Winschoten, son of Nantko Toxopeus and Rikste Edzes, farmers.
1. Nantko Toxopeus.
X.4 Jan Glas, son of IX.3, born 22-7-1901, married 23-10-1923 with Henderika Berendina Eltjens, born 23-12-1899 in Olde Pekela.
1. Jantina Wubbina Glas, born 21-9-1924.
2. Aeilko Eiso Glas, born 4-9-1932 in Muntendam.
3. Gezina Glas, born 17-5-1938.
X.5 Richard Glass, son of IX.4, died 13-12-1981, married with ?
1. William Richard Glass, born 29-12-1931 in Grand Rapids, entrepeneur living in Port Charlotte, Florida (1987). He is not married.
2. Dolores Glass, born 23-8-1933 in Grand Rapids, barkeeper living in Bay City, Michigan (1987), married with R. Kraenzlein or Robert Krandleen.
3. Dorothy Glass, born 23-8-1933 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Bay City (1987), married with Ronald Sherman.
4. Jacqueline Joy Glass, born 10-7-1937 in Grand Rapids, accountant living in Bay City (1987), married with Fred A. Wager.
X.6 Fred Glass, son of IX.6, died 22-1-1980, married unknown
1. Sally Glass, married … Huyser.
2. Diana Glass, married Paul Fulkerson, lives in Lowell, MI.
3. Philip Glass.
4. Kenneth Glass.
X.7 Bernice Glass, daughter of IX.6, died 6-6-1983, married Peter Hordyk.
1. Edward Hordyk.
2. Elaine Hordyk, married Wesley Stafford.
3. David Hordyk.
4. Roger Hordyk.
X.8 Arthur (of: Auther?) Glass, son of IX.9, born 24-7-1909 in Grand Rapids, died 19-10-1973, married 26-6-1936 with Emilia Blok, born 25-11-1910 in Krakow, Alberta, Canada, daughter of George Blok and Anna Muszcenska.
1. Nancy Lynne Glass, born 29-4-1939 in Grand Rapids, saleswoman living in Santa Barbara, California (1987), married with R. A. Morrow.
2. Daniel Glass, born 13-2-1942 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987). Unmarried.
3. Susan Glass, born 2-5-1948 (2-4-1948 according to Dave Alverson)in Grand Rapids, secretary living in Grand Rapids (1987), married 3-10-1971 with Ronald L. Foster, born 4-7-1946.
4. Diane Gail Glass, born 6-7-1950 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Grand Rapids (1987), married with R. J. Yonkers.
X.9 Gertrude (Gert) Glass, daughter of IX.9, born 6-12-1910, died 12-3-1978 in Minnesota, married with Leo Long.
1. Gilbert Arnold Long, born 14-10-1931 in Grand Rapids, no occupation living in Minneapolis, Minnesota (1987), married with ?
2. Donna Mae Long, born 10-4-1938 in Minneapolis, no occupation living in Marine, Minnesota (1987), married with L. R. Anderson.
3. Lynette Jean Long, born 30-9-1946 (or 30-9-1945?) in Minneapolis, assembly technician living in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota (1987), married with S. J. Glatzel.
X.10 Ronald (Ron) Leroy Glass, son of IX.9, born 28-6-1929 in Grand Rapids, living in Rodney, Michigan (1987), married 17-2-1950 with Joan Ruth Ruiter, born 9-10-1930.
1. Jack Glass, born 11-5-1951.
2. Janice Glass, born 17-12-1952.
3. Judy Kay Glass, born 9-10-1955.
4. Joyce Ann Glass, born 26-1-1959.
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